Preliminary Exercise – Planning

Task : Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she exchanges a few lines of dialogue. 

In order to achieve the task, we need to show all of the things above. We will use different camerawork techniques to achieve this as well as using the right skills with the boom pole, microphone and sound recorder.

The location of filming will be the conference room and the glass corridor. The conference room is the perfect location as the story and theme of our short film is a job interview. The job interview will just be a basic job interview, we did this because an interview would be a great way to show shots between characters whilst they are having conversations. Here is a layout and idea of what the dialogue will be like. 14355825_1589625358006399_117662001_n14330917_1589625378006397_2018152661_n


The opening will start off with wide shots of the empty corridors. An extreme close up of the characters feet walking down the corridor will be shown (this will be done by putting the camera on the floor and simply letting the character walk past it. There will then be some more extreme close up shots: the character opening the door, pulling the chair out and shaking the interviewer’s hand. In terms of the conversation, the shots will mostly be reaction and over the shoulder shots. The final shot of the film will be the interviewer and interviewee shaking hands (since the candidate got the job).

Here is a layout of what the shots will look like (this is to just a guide for when we are filming).



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